

Login, register, forgot password, email activation, social logins and other account related functionalities.


This module implements the authentication system for an application;


  • Provides a login page with the username and password.

  • Provides a register page to create a new account.

  • Provides a forgot password page to send a password reset link as an e-mail.

  • Provides email confirmation functionality with UI.

  • Implements two factor authentication (available providers are Authenticator TOTP(Time-based One-time Password Algorithm), SMS and e-mail).

  • Implements user lockout (locks the account for the set amount of time when a certain number of failed logons occur due to invalid credentials within a certain interval of time).

  • Implements Identity Server authentication server UI and functionality.

  • Allows to switch between tenants in a multi-tenant environment.

  • Allows to change the UI language of the application.

Database Providers

UI Frameworks

Useful Links
