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When the Periodic password duration expires, force a redirect. #13849 #13950


Resolves #13849, #13698

TODO: Describe what this PR has changed, add screenshot or animated GIF if available, write if it is a breaking change, and how to fix the breaking changes for existing applications if so.


  • I fully tested it as developer / designer and created unit / integration tests
  • I documented it (or no need to document or I will create a separate documentation issue)
  • I worked with the design team to get their idea for UI/UX design (or no need to design for this PR)
  • I've assigned reviewer, related labels and set a milestone for this PR

How to test it?

Configure login as Password Resource Owner flow Set Periodical password configs in settings panel. Go to db and change "LastPasswordChangeTime"

When to try to login, redirect to 'change-password" page

Release Date
12 April, 2023
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