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[Angular] Suite - Preserve custom code when regenerating the entity #14891


Related #14628

it ready for .ts files.
.html will implemented on rc2


  • I fully tested it as developer / designer and created unit / integration tests
  • I documented it (or no need to document or I will create a separate documentation issue)
  • I worked with the design team to get their idea for UI/UX design (or no need to design for this PR)
  • I've assigned reviewer, related labels and set a milestone for this PR

How to test it?

First, We should execute suite on local. (make sure abp set dev branch and updated, volo set issue/14628 and updated)

Go to /abp/licensing/Volo.Abp.Commercial.SuiteTemplates run dotnet build Go to /abp/suite/src/Volo.Abp.Suite dotnet run it should work o localhost:3000.

now suite working on your local at localhost:3000. Create a angular project with the suite. Create a entity like book.

Expected behavior. When you check Customizable code if you create files first time, all file created without any issue. If file existed (execute second time) codes in .component.ts must preserved. only .abstract and .html should overrided.

if Customizable code is unchecked. All code will overrided when executed second time.

Note: in the issue, html changes must preserve too but I can't completed yet. The html side will implemented in rc2. just ignore the html preserve for this version.

Release Date
16 August, 2023