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Suite: Generate Master/Detail forms #15553


Resolves #14309

I have written all the required steps for testing and also added some notes. So, probably you won't need my help but, if you do please don't hesitate to ping me, so we can check/test it together. (@gizemmutukurt)


Suite UI


Blazor UI (master/child: Order → OrderLines (with Product as np))


MVC UI (master/child: Order → OrderLines (with Product as np))


MVC UI (Multiple Childs)



  • I fully tested it as developer / designer and created unit / integration tests
  • I have created the documentation:
  • I worked with the design team to get their idea for UI/UX design (or no need to design for this PR)
  • I've assigned reviewer, related labels and set a milestone for this PR

How to test it?

You can see the following steps before testing this PR:

  • Create an application and open it in Suite.
  • After creating the application create an entity, it should be a Master entity. (for example, Order or Book)
    • "Entity type" must be master.
    • Alternatively, this master-entity can have n-to-m or 1-n relationship (or both).
  • Create a child entity, it's entity type must be child and you must select a master-entity as the entity that you have created in the previous step. (see the first screenshot for an instance)
    • You can add 1-n relationship to the child entity. (It can be good if you test for both cases, I mean with and without navigation properties.)
  • After the child entity has been added, you can run the application and ensure all permissions are granted and child entities are listed, can be added/updated and deleted in the master entity page. Also, ensure it seems properly visible on the page, I mean all child grids should be in good shape and only the child grids should be refreshed when a new child entity added, updated or deleted, not the main grid.
  • Also, note that, menu item or page implementations are intentionally not implemented for the child entities and they should be created and maintained through the main entity.
  • The steps below should be tested for MVC & Blazor UIs. @hikalkan tested the MVC UI, so you can start with testing the Blazor UI, but please also test the MVC UI, if you got time.

Note: @masumulu28 is implementing the Angular UI and will send a new PR when it's finished. So, only the MVC & Blazor UIs are implemented in this PR.

Release Date
21 novembre, 2023
ui-blazor ui-mvc abp-suite