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CMS: Use "EmailAddressAttribute" for server-side email validation over "DataTypeAttribute". #17037


DataTypeAttribute changes the type attribute of the <input> elements rendered by MVC and does nothing more (does not make any server-side validation). On the other hand, the EmailAddressAttribute inherits from the DataType.Email, and therefore both make server-side validation and change the input type to email. Thus, in this PR, i have changed the related place in this perspective.

Resolves #17035


  • I fully tested it as developer / designer and created unit / integration tests
  • I documented it (or no need to document or I will create a separate documentation issue)
  • I worked with the design team to get their idea for UI/UX design (or no need to design for this PR)
  • I've assigned reviewer, related labels and set a milestone for this PR
Release Date
14 marzo, 2024
abp-module-cms-kit-pro problem