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Logging support added to Failed/Successful payments. And user friendly info message added for users if any fail occured. #16175

This branch will be used in vs-internal PR #3431

This feature aims to log any payment whether it is failed or success. Also aims to inform users correctly if payment gets failed. Because of Iyzico redirect after fail payments we are allowed to collect fail reason, so if failed payment comes from Iyzico we can show Iyzico response's fail message to users. However it is not same with 2Checkout, It only show fails in own their UI's so we only taking successful payments. Thus we are not able to take fail reason from them. (You can test this in live, select 2checkout gateway in payment selection then use any test card, it will not redirect you to

BusinessException changed with UserfriendlyExpeption. It is because BusinessException throws 403 error so we couldn't give correct message to users. Also, if we take fail reason of failed payments from payment system like Iyzico we now able to show this reason to users. Otherwise we will use static message.

Release Date
14 februára, 2024
abp-module-payment feature